Laura graduated from UWE Bristol in 2002 with a BSC (Hons) in Physiotherapy. She started work as so many Physiotherapists do as a Junior in the NHS doing rotational specialities such as stroke rehabilitation, respiratory assistance, orthopaedic rehabilitation and outpatients.
She realised quickly that her heart lay in the fast paced speciality of outpatients and continued to improve her skills with time spent as a Senior Physiotherapist treating hands, spines, lower limb problems and developed an interest in sports injuries. She then went on to run a successful business supplying Physiotherapists to sports teams, regional and national squads for sporting events, as well as working in Rugby and Football herself.
In her NHS time she met Lizzy and became firm friends working closely on an orthopaedic role specialising in managing a difficult caseload of patients, and doing Physiotherapy, acupuncture, steroid injections, scans and x-rays, as well as organising patients to have surgery. Both Lizzy and Laura are proud of the links they built up with local surgeons.
Laura has just left a Consultant Physiotherapist role after 8 years at Concord Medical Centre. She worked exactly like the GP would, but brought immediate specialised care to her patients without delay, providing physiotherapy, injections and investigations to frontline care, without the need to see a GP first. She now mentors First Contact Practitioners and Advanced Care Practitioners in a new role as a supervisor, on a monthly basis.
Laura is also immensely proud of completing her Masters Degree in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Cardiff University in June 2010. It was during her Post-Graduate time at Cardiff University that Laura also became eligible through examination and clinical placements to become a member of the prestigious MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists) which is only a group of 1100 Physiotherapists worldwide who have the expertise to become accredited with the qualification as part of her Masters degree. This means that she has extensive knowledge in manipulation skills. She is also a member of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists to deliver acupuncture.
In her spare time Laura enjoys working hard with her personal trainer in the gym, hiking and watching live sport as a spectator now, travel, and enjoys family time away from work, with her husband Jon.