What is microsuction?

Microsuction is the removal of wax, infection, and debris within your ears. The practitioner looks into your ear through a microscope, and will then use a small suction tube and fine suction end to remove the wax. This can be noisy due to the suction machine however, it should not be painful. If it is uncomfortable, let the Nurse know and they will stop the procedure. You will be asked to keep still as possible unless asked to move. This is important as movement can cause accidental injury to the ear canal or eardrum if unexpected. 

Do I need to be referred by my GP?

No – Microsuction and Ear Irrigation is available to all without a referral from your GP. This is a private service which is designed to offer you fast and effective treatment in Thornbury for ear wax removal.

What should I expect?

You will be invited into the clinic room and asked some short questions about your general health. 

You will be asked to lie flat on the couch (if you are in a wheelchair the procedure can still be performed in the chair).

The procedure time will depend on your particular problem but can be stopped at any time at your request.

You should be able to resume to normal activities after the procedure. If you feel dizzy afterwards we will ask you to sit in the clinic until it passes, usually within a few minutes.

Ear wax removal - fast and friendly service in Thornbury
Treatment Type Price
Microsuction – one ear £30.00
Microsuction – two ears £50.00
Microsuction – second attempt if required £00.00

Request further information about our ear wax removal service (microsuction and irrigation), we will endeavour to come back to you within 24 hours. Alternatively you can call 01454 418828